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Auteur Thierry Robin
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

Birth and surgery : skin-to-skin contact to provide comfort and more to babies / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 131 (Mars-Avril 2018)
in Vocation Sage-femme > 131 (Mars-Avril 2018) . - p. 45-47
Titre : Birth and surgery : skin-to-skin contact to provide comfort and more to babies Type de document : Livres, articles, périodiques Auteurs : Thierry Robin Année de publication : 2018 Article en page(s) : p. 45-47 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : PEAU CESARIENNE peau-à-peau SOINS NEONATAUX Résumé : Providing skin-to-skin contact in the operating theatre and recovery presents unique challenges due to the 'juxtaposition' of providing social and emotional care in an intrinsically medicalised setting. This paper by Jeny Stevens, Virginia Schmied et al. is precisely about the challenges and benefits of this practice involving a parent and their baby. [article] Birth and surgery : skin-to-skin contact to provide comfort and more to babies [Livres, articles, périodiques] / Thierry Robin . - 2018 . - p. 45-47.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Vocation Sage-femme > 131 (Mars-Avril 2018) . - p. 45-47
Mots-clés : PEAU CESARIENNE peau-à-peau SOINS NEONATAUX Résumé : Providing skin-to-skin contact in the operating theatre and recovery presents unique challenges due to the 'juxtaposition' of providing social and emotional care in an intrinsically medicalised setting. This paper by Jeny Stevens, Virginia Schmied et al. is precisely about the challenges and benefits of this practice involving a parent and their baby. Coping with backache and pelvic pain during pregnancy… / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 132 (Avril - mai 2018)
in Vocation Sage-femme > 132 (Avril - mai 2018) . - p. 45-47
Titre : Coping with backache and pelvic pain during pregnancy… Type de document : Livres, articles, périodiques Auteurs : Thierry Robin Année de publication : 2018 Article en page(s) : p. 45-47 Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : GROSSESSE DOULEUR Résumé : Talking about backache during pregnancy is a bit of a cliché but is unfortunately deeply grounded in reality. Pregnancy-related low back and/ pelvic pain occur across the world, and affects the vast majority of pregnant women both physically and emotionally. Surprisingly passive suffering often seems to be taken for granted, as if it were part of the deal and nothing could be done about it to relieve the women suffering from it. Heath care providers need to ensure that standard care provided is meeting women's needs. And that is precisely what this paper by Ciara Rose and others is all about. [article] Coping with backache and pelvic pain during pregnancy… [Livres, articles, périodiques] / Thierry Robin . - 2018 . - p. 45-47.
Langues : Français (fre)
in Vocation Sage-femme > 132 (Avril - mai 2018) . - p. 45-47
Mots-clés : GROSSESSE DOULEUR Résumé : Talking about backache during pregnancy is a bit of a cliché but is unfortunately deeply grounded in reality. Pregnancy-related low back and/ pelvic pain occur across the world, and affects the vast majority of pregnant women both physically and emotionally. Surprisingly passive suffering often seems to be taken for granted, as if it were part of the deal and nothing could be done about it to relieve the women suffering from it. Heath care providers need to ensure that standard care provided is meeting women's needs. And that is precisely what this paper by Ciara Rose and others is all about. Domestic violence during pregnancy: Italian midwives? experiences / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 120 (Avril - mai 2016)
in Vocation Sage-femme > 120 (Avril - mai 2016) . - p. 45-47
Titre : Domestic violence during pregnancy: Italian midwives? experiences Type de document : Livres, articles, périodiques Auteurs : Thierry Robin Année de publication : 2016 Article en page(s) : p. 45-47 Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : Dépistage systématique Grossesse Italie Sage-femme Violence conjugale Violence domestique Résumé : Domestic violence is a hidden problem which is difficult to detect though it entails a great deal of suffering for all family members especially those who happen to be more vulnerable like pregnant women or the siblings of the baby who is about to be born. Most midwives feel unprepared to deal with it. Clinical experience, relationships and continuity of care are fundamental in detecting violence even if the midwives have conflicting opinions about screening tools designed to detect domestic violence. This Italian paper originally written by Elisa Marta Mauri, Antonella Nespoli and others shows a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to offer women competent support.
[article] Domestic violence during pregnancy: Italian midwives? experiences [Livres, articles, périodiques] / Thierry Robin . - 2016 . - p. 45-47.
Langues : Français (fre)
in Vocation Sage-femme > 120 (Avril - mai 2016) . - p. 45-47
Mots-clés : Dépistage systématique Grossesse Italie Sage-femme Violence conjugale Violence domestique Résumé : Domestic violence is a hidden problem which is difficult to detect though it entails a great deal of suffering for all family members especially those who happen to be more vulnerable like pregnant women or the siblings of the baby who is about to be born. Most midwives feel unprepared to deal with it. Clinical experience, relationships and continuity of care are fundamental in detecting violence even if the midwives have conflicting opinions about screening tools designed to detect domestic violence. This Italian paper originally written by Elisa Marta Mauri, Antonella Nespoli and others shows a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to offer women competent support.
Fear, childbirth and politics in England / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 127 (Juillet-Août 2017)
in Vocation Sage-femme > 127 (Juillet-Août 2017) . - p. 45-47
Titre : Fear, childbirth and politics in England Type de document : Livres, articles, périodiques Auteurs : Thierry Robin Année de publication : 2017 Article en page(s) : p. 45-47 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : ACCOUCHEMENT Royaume-Uni PEUR NAISSANCE Résumé : In the following paper, Hannah Dahlen (Professor of Midwifery in the UK) makes a potent point in favor of midwife-led continuity of care, explaining why and how bias, fear and big money in private clinical care sometimes intermingle at the expense of women and incidentally midwives through excessively medicalized pregnancies. (Résumé de l'auteur) [article] Fear, childbirth and politics in England [Livres, articles, périodiques] / Thierry Robin . - 2017 . - p. 45-47.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Vocation Sage-femme > 127 (Juillet-Août 2017) . - p. 45-47
Mots-clés : ACCOUCHEMENT Royaume-Uni PEUR NAISSANCE Résumé : In the following paper, Hannah Dahlen (Professor of Midwifery in the UK) makes a potent point in favor of midwife-led continuity of care, explaining why and how bias, fear and big money in private clinical care sometimes intermingle at the expense of women and incidentally midwives through excessively medicalized pregnancies. (Résumé de l'auteur) How natural is the supernatural ? (Part 1) / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 124 (Janvier-février 2017)
in Vocation Sage-femme > 124 (Janvier-février 2017) . - p. 43-45
Titre : How natural is the supernatural ? (Part 1) Type de document : Livres, articles, périodiques Auteurs : Thierry Robin Article en page(s) : p. 43-45 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : CULTURE GROSSESSE PERINATALITE ASIE AFRIQUE Résumé : In this article, you are about to find a thought-provoking synthesis of the scientific literature bearing on the cultural practices and traditional beliefs influencing the perinatal period notably in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Since globalization and international migrations are on the rise, this study turns out to be all the more interesting to ponder over, reminding us that what prevails in the West is far from being obvious in other parts of the world. Also more often than not, this reveals the huge gap between those who have an access to education and wealth and those who do not and have to rely on their ancestral practices to find some sense of relief and belonging in a complex matter. [article] How natural is the supernatural ? (Part 1) [Livres, articles, périodiques] / Thierry Robin . - p. 43-45.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Vocation Sage-femme > 124 (Janvier-février 2017) . - p. 43-45
Mots-clés : CULTURE GROSSESSE PERINATALITE ASIE AFRIQUE Résumé : In this article, you are about to find a thought-provoking synthesis of the scientific literature bearing on the cultural practices and traditional beliefs influencing the perinatal period notably in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Since globalization and international migrations are on the rise, this study turns out to be all the more interesting to ponder over, reminding us that what prevails in the West is far from being obvious in other parts of the world. Also more often than not, this reveals the huge gap between those who have an access to education and wealth and those who do not and have to rely on their ancestral practices to find some sense of relief and belonging in a complex matter. How natural is the supernatural ? (Part 2) / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 125 (Février - mars 2017)
PermalinkInternational news: from Zika and the 2016 Olympics to breastfeeding worldwide / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 123 (Novembre-décembre 2016)
PermalinkParental classes in Sweden / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 122 (Septembre-octobre 2016)
PermalinkPaternity and parental leave The ILO Report (part 2) / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 114 (Mai-Juin 2015)
PermalinkSocial support received by women with intellectual and developmental disabilities during pregnancy and childbirth / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 130 (Janvier-Février 2018)
PermalinkThe Baby Friendly Health Initiative: strengths and weaknesses in Australia? / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 118 (Janvier-Février 2016)
PermalinkThe fear factor of risk, feeling guilty (Part 2) / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 129 (Novembre-Décembre 2017)
PermalinkThe Limerick Lullaby project : Music and singing against prenatal stress / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 99 (Novembre-décembre 2012)
PermalinkThe questions raised by the implementation of the NIDCAP / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 116 (Septembre-Octobre 2015)
PermalinkThe Swedish midwives? dilemma: to use or not to use synthetic oxytocin? / Thierry Robin in Vocation Sage-femme, 119 (mars-avril 2016)